ClearLift – Get the Celebrity Treatment
Home – Skin Resurfacing

A complete, all-inclusive solution
Spectrum of Solutions:
- Skin Remodelling
- Tone and Texture of Face and Body Skin
- Tattoo Removal
- Fungal Nail Treatment
- Acne
- Enlarged Pores
- Scarring
Why choose ClearLift treatment?
Radiance and smooth texture are the stamps of youthful skin. Over time, the effects of ageing and sun exposure can take their toll. They result in skin imperfections such as fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, uneven skin tone, sunspots, and skin laxity.
ClearLift is one of Harmony XL Pro most popular treatments. It is known as the“Laser facelift” treatment, “Collagen booster”, “Lunchtime Procedure”. It is considered to be the most comprehensive Q-Switched Nd:YAG treatment solution available today.
ClearLift treats a variety of age-related skin imperfections including wrinkles, fine lines, photo-damage, pigmentation, uneven skin tone and skin laxity.
ClearLift can be safely and effectively used even for delicate areas of the skin such as face, neck and decollete. It’s based on a unique method of energy dispersion, emitting narrow pulse widths with multiple peaks of energy, resulting in more effective treatment.

How does it work?

Is there any downtime following a ClearLift treatment?
The Harmony XL Pro is renowned for its ‘lunchtime procedures’, completed quickly with minimal to no downtime and side effects.
Can ClearLift be combined with other treatments?
How many treatments do I need?
Is there any before and aftercare information I should know about
Before treatment:
Avoid heavy sun exposure 4 to 6 weeks before and after treatment. This also includes sunbeds.
Discontinue the use of any tanning creams at least 1 week before treatment.
Avoid using any harsh products on the skin 48 hours prior to treatment (Glycolic/Retinol or acid-based products).
After treatment:
Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen SPF 50 at all times throughout the course of treatment.
Avoid hot baths and heat treatments for at least 24hours after treatment.